DSP Spotlight – Dustin Murray

We’re celebrating DSP Week by spotlighting some of our compassionate and hard-working Direct Support Professionals and Career Specialists. They’re the heart of our industry. Because of their dedication, we’re able to help hundreds of individuals with disabilities live fulfilling lives in central Missouri.

Dustin MurrayToday we talked with Dustin Murray, Career Specialist for Career Services.

How long have you worked for ACT?

I have worked for ACT for 7 years.

What’s your favorite memory while working at ACT?

Having Mark Hassemer put a basketball goal in the parking lot to help me work on my game when I was in college playing basketball and working at ACT.

What brought you to this line of work?

I love helping people.

Why do you like working with ACT?

I like working for ACT because it gives you a chance to help other people be part of the community.

If you had a superhero name what would it be?

My superhero name would be Dr. Care.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be, and why?

If I could have a superpower it would be for everyone to feel and to be loved.


Thank you, Dustin. Dr. Care is an interesting superhero name! Thanks for being an asset to the Career Services program.

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