DSP Spotlight – Taylor Widdison

We’re celebrating DSP Week by spotlighting some of our compassionate and hard-working Direct Support Professionals and Career Specialists. They’re the heart of our industry. Because of their dedication, we’re able to help hundreds of individuals with disabilities live fulfilling lives in central Missouri.

Taylor WiddisonToday we talked with Taylor Widdison, DSP in Day Program.

How long have you worked for ACT? 

I have worked for ACT for 5 years.

What’s your favorite memory while working at ACT?

My favorite memory is the Cardinals baseball game that I was able to attend my first year at ACT. Everyone had a blast and it really showed the impact of our company that we were able to organize such a long trip and make it successful. It really impressed me.

What brought you to this line of work?

My step-brother who I lived with from 14 until I moved out is the reason I was brought to ACT. I assisted with his care during that time and thought I’d enjoy this work and haven’t left so far.

Why do you like working with ACT?

I enjoy working with ACT because they are 100% here for the individuals and always support individuals and staff fairly and equally when dealing with any issues.

If you had a superhero name what would it be?

My superhero name would be Tdog. 

If you could have any superpower, what would it be, and why?

I’d love to be able to teleport as my superpower because besides being able to help people, I hate traffic.


Thank you, Taylor. Your experience shines through the support you provide. Thank you for being with us!

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