DSP Spotlight – Rena Robinson

We’re celebrating DSP Week by spotlighting some of our compassionate and hard-working Direct Support Professionals and Career Specialists. They’re the heart of our industry. Because of their dedication, we’re able to help hundreds of individuals with disabilities live fulfilling lives in central Missouri.

Rena RobinsonToday we talked with Rena Robinson, DSP for Day Program.

How long have you worked for ACT?

Almost four years.

What’s your favorite memory while working at ACT?

I really enjoyed creating Olympic Decorations for the door contest. Working with the individuals, helping them to realize a better quality of life and letting them have advantages. I enjoy helping them to understand how to interact with others in today’s society and feel like they are a contributing part of this society.

What brought you to this line of work?

I have always been in this line of work since I was ten years of age. I helped with taking care of several family members with either physical or mental disabilities, and one with both. I have seen and experienced at a very young age how cruel society can be. I have seen how many members of society refuse or are afraid of interacting with individuals with disabilities. I feel that having this experience and knowledge, I can help educate others on how to truly similar individuals with disabilities are to themselves.

If you had a superhero name what would it be?

Wonder Woman: Truth, respect, understanding, compassion, and protecting the weak.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be, and why?

The power to heal the minds of those who do not understand how each individual has emotions of love, hate, disappointments, joy, sorrow, and pain, just like you and me. I feel it is up to me and others like me to instill understanding and compassion to everyone.


Thank you, Rena. Your passion not only for the individuals that you support but also educating others is what makes you an essential part of our team. Thank you for your dedication!

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