DSP Spotlight – Forrest Neal

We’re celebrating DSP Week by spotlighting some of our compassionate and hard-working Direct Support Professionals and Career Specialists. They’re the heart of our industry. Because of their dedication, we’re able to help hundreds of individuals with disabilities live fulfilling lives in central Missouri.

Forrest NealToday we talked with Forrest Neal. He is a Career Specialist in our Career Services program.

How long have you worked for ACT?

Three years.

What’s your favorite memory while working at ACT?

This is one that I struggled with. I think that every time someone rings that bell (purposefully) as they leave our office creates a great memory!

What brought you to this line of work?

I’ve worked in HR aspects in one way or another since I graduated from college. I believe that what we do in Career Services in an extension of that and I like the results of what we do.

Why do you like working with ACT?

I think that what we do creates positive change in people’s life.

If you had a superhero name what would it be?

Innocent Man.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be, and why?

It’s a toss-up between super speed and flight; collected comics for years. Super speed you could just get so much done, see parts of the world you’ve never seen. Flight–a top down view of the world!


Thank you, Forrest. Positive change is happening in the lives of those you support. Thanks for being on our team!

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